First of all, I would like to thank you all for the support and for following us on Facebook, we just got 200 likes today! Yahoo!
Second, I would like to announce that aside from posting review articles on this blog, I will also upload supplementary videos like actual testing and unboxing on my youtube channel subscribe if you’re interested.
Third, starting next week, I will start including product reviews for our beloved ladies out there. The goal of this blog is to provide quality reviews about all sorts of products, not just electronic devices. I will be partnering with my wife about girly stuff for that.
Fourth, I would love to make this blog as interactive as possible so that I can provide content that you guys will actually like. so leave a comment or reach out to me via Contact us if you have any comments and suggestions, maybe you have a product on your wish list that you are planning to buy but haven’t found a good review about it. let me know, as long as it’s around Our Target Budget maybe we can work things out.
Lastly, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I promote mostly if not all, Lazada products on this blog. I am an affiliate and this is just something that I do to earn a little bit on the side. Meaning, If you buy through my links I get a little bit of commission but without any additional cost to you. I hope you don’t mind that and Thank you for your support!
God Bless you all and enjoy your online shopping experience!
Don’t forget to check our current Reviews, Tutorials and Tips and Tricks! Cheers!

The Broll who always got your back online!