This Universal Clip Lens has mixed feedback among it’s buyers, some says it’s garbage and some says it’s usable.
I got this for a while now and to be honest, it’s actually usable. You just have to use it the right way and don’t put too much expectations from it.
Remember, this is just an accessory to your main optical lens, the quality also depends on the smart phone you are using. And of course, as with anything about photography, there are a lot of factors (e.g. lighting, subject, composition, etc.) to consider.
If your smart phone’s camera isn’t capable of taking decent pictures by itself and you use the Universal Clip Lens and expect to have a good image, then you are going to have a very bad day.
I’ve used the Universal Clip Lens on one of my short film project and I think it performed well enough. I may not be able to get the shot that I wanted if I didn’t have the Universal Clip Lens, specially the fish-eye and the macro lens.
Watch the Short Film I made using just my smart phone and the Universal Clip Lens.
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- I searched for the highest amount of ratings and good feedback from buyers
- Price may vary depending on existing promos
- The views and opinions on this review are solely based from my own personal experience, your results may vary

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